Thursday, 22 December 2022

Does PCOS patient get pregnant?

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is one of the most frequent reasons of infertility in women, affecting at least 10% of them. Mira is used by a large number of women with PCOS to follow their cycles and achieve healthy conception and pregnancy. Women with PCOS frequently have ovaries with several small, painless cysts, as well as elevated testosterone levels or a lack of ovulation. PCOS can cause irregular periods due to the hormonal imbalance it causes.

A disorder known as polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most prevalent causes of infertility in women (PCOS). It's a hormonal imbalance that affects the reproductive system. Your ovaries are bigger than normal if you have PCOS. Many small cysts containing immature eggs can be seen in these larger ovaries.

Some of the same actions that women without PCOS should follow for a good pregnancy ap

ply to women with PCOS.

Have your weight and body mass index (BMI) measured by your doctor.

·         Start a healthy diet and exercise plan.

·         Use an ovulation calendar or app to track when you have your period.

·         Check your blood sugar levels

If you have PCOS and are attempting to conceive, medicines may be all you need. According to a medical research, over 80% of women with PCOS who were given the medication clomiphene citrate ovulated successfully. Within six period cycles, half of the women became pregnant naturally. If medicine fails to help you conceive, your doctor may suggest IVF therapies. With IVF therapy, most women with PCOS have a 20 to 40% chance of becoming pregnant. Women above the age of 35, as well as those who are overweight, have a reduced probability of becoming pregnant.

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