Thursday 29 December 2022

Reasons behind Twin Pregnancy

Twins can happen either when two separate eggs become prepared in the belly or when a solitary treated egg parts into two undeveloped organisms. Having twins is more normal now than it was previously. Fruitfulness medicines are not by any means the only purpose for twins and higher request pregnancies. Here's an outline of different variables that increment your shots at getting pregnant with products.

Identical twins: This sort of pregnancy happens when a prepared egg parts into two separate incipient organisms. These incipient organisms are monozygotic, which implies that they have indistinguishable qualities. Indistinguishable twins are a similar sex as one another and look exceptionally similar.

Non identical twins: This sort of pregnancy happens when there are two eggs present in the belly at the hour of treatment, and sperm prepare the two of them. These incipient organisms are dizygotic, which implies that they don't have indistinguishable qualities and may not be a similar gender.


·         The woman’s age

·         Having a family history of twins

·         Having fertility treatments

·         The woman’s weight and height

·         Conceiving while breastfeeding

You might ask why conceiving multiples are considered a risk and not a possible advantage to richness medicines. All things considered, in case you've been attempting to get pregnant, wouldn't a twofold or triple gift be something worth being thankful for? The truth of the matter is that numerous pregnancies accompany dangers to the parent and infants. Your primary care physician's objective is for you to imagine and bring forth each solid child in turn.

Thursday 22 December 2022

Does PCOS patient get pregnant?

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is one of the most frequent reasons of infertility in women, affecting at least 10% of them. Mira is used by a large number of women with PCOS to follow their cycles and achieve healthy conception and pregnancy. Women with PCOS frequently have ovaries with several small, painless cysts, as well as elevated testosterone levels or a lack of ovulation. PCOS can cause irregular periods due to the hormonal imbalance it causes.

A disorder known as polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most prevalent causes of infertility in women (PCOS). It's a hormonal imbalance that affects the reproductive system. Your ovaries are bigger than normal if you have PCOS. Many small cysts containing immature eggs can be seen in these larger ovaries.

Some of the same actions that women without PCOS should follow for a good pregnancy ap

ply to women with PCOS.

Have your weight and body mass index (BMI) measured by your doctor.

·         Start a healthy diet and exercise plan.

·         Use an ovulation calendar or app to track when you have your period.

·         Check your blood sugar levels

If you have PCOS and are attempting to conceive, medicines may be all you need. According to a medical research, over 80% of women with PCOS who were given the medication clomiphene citrate ovulated successfully. Within six period cycles, half of the women became pregnant naturally. If medicine fails to help you conceive, your doctor may suggest IVF therapies. With IVF therapy, most women with PCOS have a 20 to 40% chance of becoming pregnant. Women above the age of 35, as well as those who are overweight, have a reduced probability of becoming pregnant.

Thursday 15 December 2022

Does PCOS cause hair loss?

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal imbalance that can result in a variety of symptoms, including hirsutism (excess face and body hair). While many people with PCOS have thicker hair on their faces and bodies, others have hair thinning and loss, known as female pattern hair loss.

Male hormones, often known as androgens, are produced by the female body. Among them is testosterone. Androgens are responsible for initiating puberty and promoting hair development in the underarms and pubic regions. They also serve other vital purposes. PCOS produces an increase in androgen production, which leads to virilization. This refers to the emergence of more male characteristics, such as extra hair in areas where it does not normally grow, such as the:

·         Face

·         Neck

·         Chest

·         Abdomen

Androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, is caused by a hormonal imbalance and has the following symptoms:

·         The frontal and parietal (side) portions of the scalp lose the most hair.

·         The hair in the parting area thins dramatically.

·         Above the temples, the hairline begins to retreat.

Home remedies

There are also PCOS hair loss home treatments. Shampoos developed for thinning hair may foster new hair development and protect hair when used with moisturising shampoos and conditioners for damaged and color-treated hair.

Other at-home cures include using natural bristle brushes, which are softer and kinder on hair than synthetic bristles, and putting a pick on hair before brushing to minimise over-pulling and breaking. It's also a good idea to avoid hairstyles that exert too much strain on the hair, such as high ponytails or buns.

Friday 9 December 2022

How Does PCOS Affect Fertility?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition associated with an imbalance in female sex hormones, according to experts. A woman's fertility may be harmed as a result of the imbalance, which can cause a number of symptoms. Every month, on the surface of the ovary, tiny fluid-filled cysts known as follicles grow in women of reproductive age. Female sex hormones, particularly estrogen, cause one of the follicles to create a mature egg. The egg then bursts loose from the follicle after being released by the ovary. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, have an imbalance of female sex hormones.

Causes: Experts are unsure what causes PCOS, however hereditary factors may be involved. If a woman's mother or sibling has the disease, she is more likely to have it than others. Excess insulin in the body, in addition to a hereditary relationship, raises the risk of PCOS in women. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and used by the body to convert sugar into energy.


  • Abnormal hair growth on the face, chest, or back

  • Acne or a darkening of the skin
  • Weight gain Irregular periods
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Depression
  • Increased skin tags

Fertility Treatments for PCOS:

Depending on the initial checking, a fertility specialist may recommend a patient to start ovulation induction medications with scheduled. Intercourse or intrauterine insemination that can be scheduled around the time of ovulation. For these treatments, it is main that the Fallopian tubes are open and the sperm counts are normal. The typical successful rate with IUI is about 15 to 25 percent per cycle a woman’s single success rate with IUI is largely impacted by her age. If ovulation induction with timed intercourse or IUI fail to reach a pregnancy after a few try of this therapy, or if the patient also has other infertility factors such as blocked Fallopian tubes, her physician may mention in vitro fertilization.

Thursday 1 December 2022

Is PCOS a lifestyle disorder?

 is definitely a lifestyle disorder. Diabetes, heart disease, infertility, gynaecological malignancies, hypertension, depression, and gestational diabetes are just a few of the long-term health concerns that can result from the condition. PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) or PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a widespread condition among the younger age, affecting almost 10 million individuals worldwide. Its global prevalence ranges from 2.2% to 26%, and one out of every four young women in India is thought to have PCOD, according to the latest figures. According to reports, the sickness affects city dwellers more than rural dwellers, implying that as we grow more educated and increase our socioeconomic standing, we would become unhealthier.

  • Include 30 minutes of exercise five times a week in your everyday routine.
  • Consume a well-balanced diet rich in high-fibre foods to combat insulin resistance.
  • At least an hour before night, turn off all electronics.

We may believe we are eating well and healthily, yet PCOS patients may be severely nutritionally deficient owing to persistent underlying inflammation and metabolic problems. Vitamin D (nearly 67% to 85% of women with PCOS are deficient), Vitamin B12, zinc, magnesium, and folate are the five nutrients most typically lacking in women with PCOS. It's also crucial to drink adequate water throughout the day.
Maintaining a regular sleep routine is essential. Get eight hours of sleep, and turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. This will undoubtedly result in a restful night's sleep. When it comes to controlling PCOS, keeping a healthy weight is crucial. This can be accomplished by including 30 minutes of exercise five times per week in your daily routine. Consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking are strictly prohibited.

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